Mark Bruinsma
Mark is an experienced civil law attorney with knowledge and experience in virtually every area of private law.
His main areas of specialization are commercial law in the broadest sense and civil procedural law. He litigates in matters of commercial law, ICT law, company law, labour law, employer and executive liability, tenancy law pertaining to commercial real estate, etc. Additionally, he represents enterprises in matters of administrative law and enforcement.
Since 1997 (and since 1999 as an attorney), Mark has represented business clients and private individuals in disputes (from the simple to the extremely complex) among and between businesses, customers and government agencies. These have included national and international collection cases, seizures and enforcement, and class action claims involving financial, product and medical liability, Outside the courtroom, Mark’s activities in the firm include advising business clients on drafting contracts and general terms and conditions.
Alongside his native Dutch, he is fluent in English, Swedish, German and French.
In accordance with the first paragraph of article 35b of the Dutch Legal Profession Regulations, Mark has registered the following areas of law in the legal areas register of the Dutch Bar Association: General practice, Civil law and Labour law. Under this regulation, each calendar year he is required to earn ten CPD points in each registered area of law in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.